Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Vacation Hint

Well, it's May 27th and we see no one has voted for Seattle and Lake Tahoe as places we could possibly go on vacation.
Some of you may not know that we honeymooned in Seattle (and Portland), and also that Jeff's stepfather co-owns a condo at Lake Tahoe good for the whole family's use.

So as a hint to where we are going on vacation, we just purchased new swimsuits and are thereby eliminating Seattle as a possible location. Seattle in June just doesn't seem like the place that demands new swim clothes. (Although we would love to visit the Pacific Northwest again. The Lion and the Rose B&B in Portland, Oregon was fabulous and our first experience at a bed and breakfast. Highly recommended.)

Now don't count out the other "non-swimsuit" places as we have very nice accommodations that have great amenities nearby that we will take full advantage of. "Pampered" is the word I'm thinking of (and that does not mean diapers!).

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