Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Small Grammar Lesson: Bi vs. Semi

Looking at a recent magazine, I saw that it is published every two months, and I thought, is this what bi-monthly means? Because some people define bi-monthly as twice a month, while others say it's every other month. Even dictionaries disagree in their definitions, so they're not much help. Well, here's my thought:

Using "bi" should mean every other (bi meaning two), and for twice per, use the term "semi" (semi meaning half). So a biannual family reunion occurs every other year, while a six-month sales meeting is semi-annual. The magazine we have is published bimonthly, while church services held every Sunday and Wednesday occur semi-weekly.

The most confusing term, I think, is biweekly. Using this definition, however, it means every other week. Since this is roughly twice a month, then, semi-monthly and biweekly are virtually the same. So take your pick for this one. (Even better, just say "twice a month" or "every two weeks." Nobody will fault you for being clear, but many will be annoyed if you confuse them.)

Any grammar specialists out there are welcome to disagree with me, but I think this system is pretty me at least.

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