Thursday, March 26, 2009

Smaller World

OK, so I know we live in a pretty small town, but something happened last night that just made it a little smaller.

I went to my regular jazz workshop, and the second person I see is none other than my niece. I hadn't said anything about the show to her, and I'd not seen her in there before, so I wondered how she came to be there. Turns out she is very good friends with a girl whose dad was playing saxophone in the band. I had met him a few years back and worked with him a couple of times.

After his set, I told him that his daughter came in with my niece, and he said, "Oh yeah, she's great. We see her all the time, she's like another daughter to us." So then I met the rest of his family, and now they know the family connection on my side.

I guess those six degrees of separation just closed a bit more.

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