Sunday, June 15, 2008

SDI Victorian Summer Ball

1876 Evening Gown left
Originally uploaded by sewgirljen
Well, I finished my dress (mostly). The roses were only safety pinned on - not too bad. Total hours: 194!

Jeff kept me going throughout the last 3 months in getting this project completed. I wouldn't have succeeded if he hadn't supported me. And my C&C partner Sara too!

As we were at the hotel after the ball, Jeff and I realized that we didn't get a photo of just the two of us (or of our whole group for that matter). Too busy enjoying the evening I guess.

But it was a fun night. I was thoroughly exhausted but satisfied with the way Jeff looked (he pulls off a 19th Century gentleman very well) and how my gown looked.

Please check my Flickr photostream to see the other pictures I did manage to take.

Now to bed to catch up with sleep!

1 comment:

Marcail Gaelyn said...

Hey, I got a photo of the two of you. It's on my Flickr account.

Of course, as the photo was taken during the dance, Jeff's jacket was already removed by the time this photo was taken. But still, I did get a photo of the two of you!
